Lung function testing (or spirometry) is recommended for all smokers over the age of 45 and individuals presenting with shortness of breath, chronic cough, wheezing, or excessive mucus production. It is a simple and non-invasive test that can be performed easily.

Results from the test can be used in the identification of patients with restrictive (lung volume issues) and obstructive (flow issues) conditions.

A spirometry test before and after exercise can be used to determine the presence of exercise induced asthma. It also provides baseline data to track the effect of our specialized breathing programme (i.e., flow state breathing and diaphragm breathing). Advance breathing training options are also available for those interested and prepared to purchase the required devices (ask about the Spirotiger system or the POWERbreathe programme).

The lung function test, analysis, and report take approximately 30 minutes. Appointments can be made on the same day and results will be sent to your GP within 24 hours if required.

All tests are based on the international standards.

Please enquire for pricing:

Email: clinic@orakinetics.co.nz  |  Phone: Lukas 020 4065 6902